Program Objectives

In our country’s fast developing printed press, advertising and interactive multimedia sectors, as well as visual and audio media in which graphic design is used, there is an ever increasing need for staff with high level technical and language skills.

The aim of this Graphic Design Degree program is to teach the power that professional design and production can have, and those who have progression design and production knowledge as well as knowing a foreign language can have a responsibility for ethical business practice.

Vertical Transfer Opportunities

According to the DGS (Dikey Geçiş Sınavı / Vertical Transfer Exam) result, they can switch over to the 4 year sections related to their field.

Related 4 year programs


2.Photography and graphic design

3.Photography and video graphics

4.Graphic design teaching

5.Graphic art

6.Graphic design

7.Design Communication

8.Communication and design

Career Opportunities

1.Newspapers and magazines


3.Advertising sector

4.Printing sector

5.TV channels

6.Packaging industry

7.Web publications

8.Marketing and advertising in business

9.Academic careers for graduates and vertical progression/transfers