
EBYS - Electronic Document Management System - http://ebys.dogus.edu.tr/enVision-Dogus-Uni/Login.aspx

Student Information Systemhttp://obs.dogus.edu.tr
Students can see their marks through Student Information.

Doğuş WebMail

WebMail - https://outlook.office365.com
DouPass - https://pass.dogus.edu.tr/ (change password)

You can get help
Mail Entry
Office365 OneDrive
Office365 MobileMailSetup
Office365 OfficeSetup

Quality Integrated Management System - http://kys.dogus.edu.tr/qdms/QDMSNET/BSAT/Logon.aspx

Request / Failure Notification Interface - destek.dogus.edu.tr
Information Technology Request / Failure Notification Interface

My Library Account - https://library.dogus.edu.tr.
You can extend the period of publication you have borrowed and make reservations.

Document Verification - https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/dogus-universitesi-ebys
It is the screen where the electronic signed documents addressed to individuals and institutions by Dogus University are confirmed.